1. The branch of linguistics that deals with the study of metalanguages.
2. The branch of linguistics that deals with the relation between a language and other aspects of a particular culture.
The study of metals and metal species, and their interactions, transformations, and functions in biological systems.
Some scientific researchers believe that there is a need to know more and more about the original form of metal elements and their interactions with other chemical or biochemical entities.
For example, arsenic is regarded as toxic, but this chemical is primarily associated with inorganic forms; such as, arsenite while arsenobetaine is an organic chemical form of arsenic, which exists normally in seafood and is considered to be non-toxic.
This is why it is necessary to study all of the elements, regardless of metals, nonmetals, or metalloids, in biological systems to determine their influences on animals and humans.
Research regarding the distributions and compositions of all metalloproteins in proteome, and the characterization of their structures and functions, which may be regarded as the overlap of metallomics and proteomics.
The branch of mathematics that deals with the logic and consistency of mathematical proofs, formulas, and equations.
(pl) (noun) (used with a singular verb)
1. The branch of philosophy which examines the nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, fact and value.
2. The theoretical or first principles of a particular discipline: the metaphysics of law.
3. A priori speculation upon questions that are unanswerable to scientific observation, analysis, or experiment .
(used as a singular) (noun)
A name applied to a science or study of certain phenomena that are beyond the scheme of orthodox psychology.
The scientific study of meteors and meteorites.
The study of specific or localized aspects of an economy (takes a singular verb).
1. The microminiaturization of mechanical devices; such as, gears, motors, rotors, etc. using similar photomasking techniques as in chip making.
2. The combination of minuscule electrical and mechanical components in a single device less than one millimeter across; such as, a valve or a motor.
Although micromechanical production processes and applications are still in the developmental process, efforts have been started to develop machines; called micromachines or micromechanisms, which will be 1,000 times smaller.
The branch of physics that studies objects and systems such as molecules, atoms, and elementary particles that are observable only microscopically or indirectly; uses a singular verb: "Microphysics is his specialty."
A reference to organisms requiring a minimum of heat.
mnemonic technique
(s) (noun), mnemonic techniques
A reference to refreshing, improving, assisting, or developing the memory, especially by artificial aids: The
mnemonic technique system of precepts and rules is intended to aid or to upgrade and polish the memory.
Mnemonics: Spelling "Seed" Words (-cede, -ceed, and -sede).
moletronics, molectronics
Switches, gates, transistors and other electronic devices built on a molecular scale; a combination of
molecular +
Research in this area is done with the purpose of surpassing the power and the capacity of the silicon-based technology used in current computers.
myeloarchitectonics, myeloarchitectonic
Cytological architectonics of the brain, spinal cord, or bone marrow.